„Es esmu ceļš, patiesība un dzīvība.” (Jāņa 14:6)                                               

09.09.2010.Ārvalstīs/Latvijā: Uzmanību! Svarīgi! Aicinājums parakstīties par savu bērnu veselīgu audzināšanu!


Sveiki, jaunieši un ģimenes vērtību atbalstītāji!

Nopietna lieta.
Nepieciešamas jauniešu balsis,lai noprotestētu homsex. un liberāļu organizāciju
parakstīto jaunatnes petīciju par bērnu tiesībām uz seksuālo brīvību un neatkarību no vecākiem jau no agras bērnības,. ko viņi iesniegs ANO, tā jāapstiprina 3 nedēļu laikā, bet mums ir tikai šīs 3 nedēļas lai savāktu vismaz 50 000 parakstu.

Tā būs katastrofa mūsdienu pasaulei, ja viņi to apstiprinās!

Lūdzu esiet aktīvi, izsūtiet šo vēstuli visiem, kas varētu to parakstīt, aģitējiet gan draugos, gan facebook uc…
Uzspiediet zemāk angliski rakstītajā vēstulē uz ” here’‘ zilā krāsā un atvērsies logs, tur būs iespēja parakstīties- ja esat  jaunāki par 30 – tad spiediet ”under 30”, ja esat vecāks par 30, tad spiediet ”over 30′‘ un  reģistrējieties, tad nosūtiet.

Sex Toys Displayed at World Youth Conference

Radical Document Produced by Radical Youth

Counter this by signing the petition we will present to the UN in three weeks!

See below…

September 8, 2010

Dear Friend of Youth,

The C-FAM team has just returned from the World Youth Conference in Leon, Mexico and some of this was just disgusting.

* There was a huge exposition hall with dozens of booths displaying pornographic material including sex toys.
* There was one booth manned by two middle-aged men that only displayed thong underwear!
* There was a public demonstration of putting a condom on a sex toy.


What is just as bad is that a group of UN-led radical youth wrote a document they are insisting the UN adopt. It is among the most radical documents you can imagine, fully inspired by the pornography displayed in the hall.

The document calls for

* a redefinition of gender to include the “spectrum of gender identities” – including “intersex” and “queer,”
* “comprehensive sexuality education”
*  “safe abortion”

You should know this document was fully influenced by the pornographic displays in the exhibition hall and was written under the direction of the pro-abortion anti-family anti-youth UN Population Fund (UNFPA).

Here is the real problem. The document they produced may be included in the governmental document accepted by the UN General Assembly in THREE WEEKS!


We are lucky to have such a document. A group of young people calling themselves the International Youth Coalition wrote and presented a GOOD DOCUMENT at the conference, a document that says all the right things. There is a link to the document below.

What we are asking is that you

* read this document
* if you agree to it, “sign” it

We will gather your name along with the names of, we hope, 50,000 others and present them to the UN in three weeks.

We will show them that normal youth do not agree with this awful agenda. Please know that UN delegates have asked for this. They have asked for our help in countering the radical youth document.

There is a document and petition for you to sign right HERE!!!There are two documents, one for those 30 years old and younger, and one for those who are over 30.

Go HERE right now and sign the document. Help us make a tremendous splash at UN headquarters later this month.

This is urgent so I ask you to go there now, sign the document, and then send this email to EVERYONE IN YOUR ADDRESS BOOK!

It is vitally important that normal youth are heard at the UN. UN delegations have asked us specifically to help them fight back against the radical youth agenda.

Go HERE right now, sign the document and then send this to all of your friends and family. Send this email to your entire address book.

We need to generate 50,000 names in THREE WEEKS!


Austin Ruse
Editor/Friday Fax

PS This document must rocket around the world in three weeks time. Please act now.
Catholic Family & Human Rights Institute
© Copyright 2010 Permission granted for unlimited use. Credit required.
866 United Nations Plaza, Suite 495, New York, NY 10017

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